Wednesday 16 January 2013

Preliminary task.

Our brief was to make a short media artifact that demonstrated we understood continuity techniques. The continuity techniques we had to demonstrate were match on action, 190 degrees rule, shot reverse shot, dialogue and open and across the room. We used these techniques in our video to practice them and to show that we understand how to use them properly. 

During our production, there were a few challenged that we had to overcome, such as during the pre production, there were problems of loosing the story board, which made us lose time on filming as we had to re-draw it again although it didn't take too long. There were no problems organizing props and costume as we wore our own clothes and got a useful 'detective badge' from the drama department. However, the setting was a problem as the first room we were using to film in had to be used which resulted in us having to find another room, making us lose more time. The second room we were filming in too had a problem as the lighting in there was odd, it shows this by seeing one scene lighter than a different shot of the same scene. This caused a problem for filming as it didn't make the scene look as serious as it should have, there were also problems with the acting as there were some laughter and actors accidentally looking into the camera. Also, the actors weren't too sure when to start acting as the director didn't give proper instructions or directions. Thankfully, there were no problems with technology or organisations.

Next time, to achieve a better task, we should plan out what room to film in and make sure it's free rather than losing time looking for another room. It'd also be a good thing to keep organize and not lose the storyboard so we can get straight to filming next time instead of having to draw another rough and quick sketch. 

- Unfortunately, for the moment, I am unable to upload the video onto my blogger and I'm not sure why although I will keep trying. 

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