Tuesday 30 April 2013

What do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? (Question 7)

This opening sequence compared to the preliminary task has much more advanced features in editing, this could be by the kind of transitions used now, the texts I’ve included and the title. I've also created a logo for this opening sequence although I didn't for the preliminary task.

The types of shots has also improved a lot as we use a different range of shots, we also film as many different shots as we can even though we may not use all of them just to see things from a different kind of angle, the camera movement also seems much more experienced as there weren’t much shaking and the camera was stable. 

We haven’t used dialogue in this final product, although we did in the preliminary. We felt as if it was better to leave out dialogue as the sound quality wouldn’t be at its best, and also it fits the narrative of the story as the two characters usually communicate with each other via technology/social networking sites rather than talking face to face or on the phone. 

We’ve developed the use of costumes as the characters were properly dressed this time to suit the kind of characters they were playing, we see the protagonist wearing girly-youthful looking clothes which includes a black skirt and Nike trainers, the lighting in our final movie is also better as the kind of lighting for each scene suits the correct different mood, like having the lighting much darker then antagonist comes on the scene, and brighter when the protagonist is on, this makes it clear to the audience which character is the good one and which is the bad. 

The location is something else that has hugely improved but only because this time we have more freedom of where to film the scenes, whereas for our preliminary task choices were limited as we had to work in school. I have learned of how to look at small details when shooting to make things seem obvious to audiences when their watching, for example, how a character dresses can give away their personality so using the correct costume and props would give the right idea. 

What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why? (Question 3)

Who would be the audience for your media product/How did you attract and address your audience? (Question 4 and 5)

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? (Question 6)

How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Question 2)

In media evaluation folder.